Rapid Transformational Therapy® (RTT®) is the multi-award-winning therapy method that is working towards critical acclaim as the “go-to” therapy due to its ability to achieve profound, long-term results.
“I had depression for as long as I can remember but I used to be able to manage it until a few years ago it started getting worse. I started having this feeling of a “lump in my throat”, which would make it hard for me to swallow and eventually I was having a hard time catching my breath. Then the panic attacks started.
Depression got really bad. One night it got so bad that I couldn’t sleep. (Not the first time) I didn’t know what to do so at 4am, I went to the ER and checked myself in. I was diagnosed with severe depression and was told I need to get some help for PTSD. I was prescribed medication to take.
Shortly after, I was scrolling through FB and happened to stumble on one of Angeli’s posts about RTT sessions and I commented right away. I wasn’t too sure what to expect but the whole experience was amazing! Angeli is kind, patient, and lets you know that she hears you. After the 1st session I was given my recording, which I listened to for the next 21 days.
I have not had one panic attack since. The lump in my throat is gone! I can breathe again! I haven’t felt so alive in a long time! I am motivated and ready for the world again. I am truly grateful for having seen that post and taking the action to contact her when I did. I ended up never picking up my prescription for the medication I had been prescribed.
So again, Thank you! Angeli, I will recommend anyone that is looking for help to you.”
“I did bloodwork with no valium! It was getting in my head that bloodwork is something everyone does. I think IVs and shots have the added fear of omg what are the putting in me, what will it do to me. The ringing of the bell makes it official. And I am officially done!!!”
“I’d done hypnosis before but I fought it and didn’t go as deep and didn’t get much out of it. Angeli, what you did got me. I saw it. I feel so good now knowing I could trust you.
You are amazing & I secretly thank you almost everyday in my prayers for making me believe that ‘I was enough & I am enough’…”
“Marisa Peer! Of course I know her and watched her Youtube videos. You follow her method? I didn’t know how to do it. I feel so relaxed. I need to take a real nap now!”
“The [ex-partner] thing
Is very sad as it just is its pattern of caretaking to be ok with myself and it is also very destructive.
I helped someone [and] felt very unresolved. I am way better now.”
Ready for results?
Your subconscious overrides conscious acts. My calling is to help you uncover your subconscious root issue. Together, we grow your subconscious beliefs into a positive, empowering consciousness.
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“The only thing you can control is your thoughts. Your thoughts control your feelings. Your feelings control your actions. And your actions control your events. So if you change your thinking, you can change everything.”
— Marisa Peer, creator of (RTT®)